
ACBL is a learning / teaching centre for any interested person to study Buddhism. We aim at helping individuals develop their character, moraloty and mental development through realisation of the Buddhism. Also, we help the people who need our services in religious activities and perform counselling.

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Poya day Ceramony

Every full moon day is known as a Poya day in the Sinhala language; this is when a practicing Sinhalese Buddhist visits a temple for religious observances.  This is important to Buddhists all around the world, who have adopted the lunar calendar for their religious observances.

ACBL also conducting various religious activities during every full moon day.

Please visit our ‘Sil Programme’ page for more details or visit us. 

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Sathi Pasala (Mindful School)

Sati Pasala is a learning programme that teaches children how to integrate mindfulness into their daily activities.

Mindfulness is focusing attention on the present mental or physical activity continuing from moment to moment, without coming to hasty judgments or decisions. Mindfulness also encompasses the mind’s ability to know when mind wonders away from the present moment activity.

Parents who are willing to send their children to Sathi Pasala, please fill the Admission form and submit to ACBL.

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Provide facilities for the study, research and learning of Lord Buddha’s teachings ,the Dhamma, ACBL library equipped with various Dhamma books in English, Sinhala & Pali languages.
Devotees who interested to read or researchers can visit the centre and referece the books.
For library opening hours, please contact the centre.